sâmbătă, 13 februarie 2016

Kitty Cat - PCB CNC made out of PC monitor parts

As the title sugests, this PCB milling machine is made out of monitor parts. Yes, it's true :)
You might wonder how is this possible, well let's take a look in the backstage.
First for building a milling machine you'll need a big part called machine bed, ontop of wich you'll mount the moving parts. For the table and the milling head slides are required. This may come in differend shapes and sizes.
For driving the moving parts motors and screws are required.
With this in mind, I've started to look for raw materials.

DELL 2001FP PC LCD DISPLAY as primary donor

The fun part starts right now.

Every LCD Display has behind the display itself a big plate of plexiglass, known as light guide. It's purpose is to disperse the light that comes from the backlight LED's or CCFL's. This part has the same dimensions as the lcd display, and a thickness of around 1cm.
In the case of DELL 2001FP beside the 20" plexiglass plate the stand contains some really nice linear guides with 250mm travel.

After assembly a cross table would look similar to the one above.
Small driving motors are required (NEMA 17), with 0.5A driving current. The motors that I've used were salvaged from old dot matrix printers, Epson's if I remeber well.

And this is an allmost final look of the assembly. (backview)
For control I will use DRV8825 with USB to parallel port adapter and Mach3 driving software.

More info's and videos will come, so stay tuned :)

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